Welcome to the official website of the Regional Innovation Strategy project of the Zilina self-governing region.
University of Zilina together with Zilina self-governing region authority and partner regions is developing from june 2005 project, within the 6th Framework Programme of the EU, called „Zilina Innovation Policy“ (abbreviation is ZIP). This means a long-lasting process bringing together R&D environment, business sector and innovation potential in Zilina region towards continuous development.
Key objective of ZIP is to set up basis for regional institutional structures for innovation support, based on collaborative networks between existing institutions and organisations, and to implement a strategic innovation framework that will enable existing firms to introduce more innovation at all levels and create a positive culture for new entrepreneurs.
One success factor to achieve this will be to establish autonomous and stable networks of key-persons from science, administration and industry (triple helix) within the region, as well as on an “over-regional” level, in neighbour and foreign countries.
There is a hope, that together we will create favourable conditions for innovative business in our region and those conditions can help create benefits for the whole region and its prosperity in european area.